
Bashing Neal Stephenson's : "In the beginning ... was the command line"

Avon books, 1999. Available online:

A few interesting thesis are being brought up but unfortunately treated sloppily, e.g. discussing the consequences of digital versus analog media, p.54:

As if the digital nature of the written word was not capable of "dumping loads of crap into people's minds"! Furthermore the meaning of the term "digital" is not properly defined and therefore applied confusingly in the previous citation. A suggestion might be to use the term "discrete" for describing the nature of the written word.

The real conclusion is never drawn even though the author gets pretty close, e.g. when talking about the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop having a command line interface instead of a GUI, p. 74:

A case of sloppy research, e.g. p. 95: Minimalist vi vs. maximalist emacs. At that time (1999) vim was already a flourishing vi clone with a feature set comparable to emacs'.

The author indulges in squiggling his prose, e.g. p. 127:

He spends lengthy passages on how he installed Linux but omitting the conclusion or what these descriptions are meant to convey.

A few really interesting passages are:

It is a pity because the book sets out on an interesting and relevant subject!
